Monday, January 12, 2015

Using religion for bad things

Like most of the world, I have been watching the news over the past few days with disgust and fascination. I am so shocked that such a tragedy happened in Paris. I mean, you always hear how there are not as many guns in Europe as there are in the United States. So, to learn about something this violent happening, well it just kind of blows my mind.

I also have a hard time comprehending how there are people who believe in a religion that they think is telling them to kill other people. I know that anyone can twist religious text so that it means what they want it to mean, but still. What kind of malfunction is going on in the brains of these people that they feel this conviction to go out and murder people all in the name of religion?

It truly blows my mind. Just like the religious people in the U.S. and other places who do not want everyone to have equal rights. I mean, people are using religion as the excuse for not wanting people to get married. Who cares if someone wants to get married to someone else of the same gender? And I am not sure why people think that it has some affect on their life. It does not, unless they are one of the people about to get married.

Maybe I just do not really understand the world. But, I hope that I never understand these types of bad things because they are completely mind blowing.